About Brainuino =============== Brainuino is an open source project for developing hardware and software for intellectual games. Brainuino Aleph is a first model of game device combining timer and answer detector. See http://brainuino.ru for more details (currently in Russian only). This project contains device firmware source code. You will need Arduino IDE (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software) or at least arduino core (libraries, avr-gcc compiler, avr-binutils and avrdude) to use it. This project is licenced under GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html). [![Build Status](https://semaphoreapp.com/api/v1/projects/fe0bf7f9-640a-467c-8216-86c3a60b5d56/298769/badge.png)](https://semaphoreapp.com/bizdelnick/brainuino)