/* Brainuino Aleph Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Dmitry Mikhirev This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "pinout.h" #include "game.h" #include "lcdprint.h" LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD4, LCD6, LCD11, LCD12, LCD13, LCD14); void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); pinInit(); time = 0; // TODO: the following settings should be readen from EEPROM gameType = SI; withFalseStart = false; timer1 = 5; timer2 = 5; preSignal = 0; } void loop() { buttonPressed = 0; startTime = 0; // timer = timer1; printGameType(); // ensure that stop button is released while (digitalRead(CONTROL2) == LOW) { delay(20); } ask(); } void ask() { // waiting while question is being asked digitalWrite(GREENLAMP, LOW); digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); #ifdef RUSSIAN printState("Задаётся вопрос "); #else printState("Asking question "); #endif while (true) { if (buttonPressed) { if (withFalseStart) { falseStart(buttonPressed); } else { answer(buttonPressed); } } // if start button is pressed if (digitalRead(CONTROL1) == LOW) { if (discuss(timer1) == WRONG) { while (discuss(timer2) == WRONG) {} } return; } // if stop button is pressed if (digitalRead(CONTROL2) == LOW) { return; } delay(100); } } char discuss(uint16_t timer) { // here teams can discuss question or single players think themselves char reply = NOREPLY; // is random delay needed here when playing with false starts? unsure... // time = 0; // reset timer or continue count if (timer > 0) { time = 0; startTime = millis(); } else { startTime = millis() - time; } // we need sound signal here only if we are playing with false starts // or am i wrong? if (withFalseStart) tone(SPEAKER, 3000, 1000); digitalWrite(GREENLAMP, HIGH); digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); printGameType(); #ifdef RUSSIAN printState("Отсчёт: "); #else printState("Count: "); #endif while (!buttonPressed && time < (timer - preSignal) * 1000) { refresh(); delay(25); if (digitalRead(CONTROL2) == LOW) { tone(SPEAKER, 1500, 500); return reply; } } if (!buttonPressed) tone(SPEAKER, 2121, 1000); while (!buttonPressed && time < timer * 1000) { refresh(); delay(25); if (digitalRead(CONTROL2) == LOW) { tone(SPEAKER, 1784, 500); return reply; } } // the time is out or someone pressed a button... hmm... if (buttonPressed) { reply = answer(buttonPressed); } else { tone(SPEAKER, 3000, 1000); } if (reply != WRONG) { digitalWrite(GREENLAMP, LOW); digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); startTime = 0; delay(1000); } return reply; } char answer(uint8_t num) { // waiting while answer is given digitalWrite(REDLAMP, HIGH); // if (timer2 > 0) // timer = timer2; printPlayer(num); #ifdef RUSSIAN printState("Ответ "); #else printState("Answer "); #endif printPreciseTime(); tone(SPEAKER, 2523, 1000); buttonPressed = 0; // a pause is needed to release start button, if it was not yet delay(2000); while (true) { // if start button was pressed if (digitalRead(CONTROL1) == LOW) { // digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); buttonPressed = 0; return WRONG; } // if stop button was pressed if (digitalRead(CONTROL2) == LOW) { // digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); buttonPressed = 0; return CORRECT; } delay(100); } } void falseStart(uint8_t num) { // if there is false start, show info about it during few time tone(SPEAKER, 1784, 1000); digitalWrite(REDLAMP, HIGH); #ifdef RUSSIAN printState(" Фальстарт "); #else printState(" False start "); #endif printPlayer(num); delay(3000); digitalWrite(REDLAMP, LOW); return; } void refresh() { // displaying current timer state time = millis() - startTime; printTime(); } void printState(char *state) { // displaying string in the beginning of LCD second row lcd.setCursor(0, 1); uprint(state, &lcd); } void printTime() { // displaying time passed after starting timer char timestr[33]; char integer[10]; char fractional[2]; sprintf(integer, "%u", time/1000); sprintf(fractional, "%u", time%1000/100); sprintf(timestr, "%s.%s", integer, fractional); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); uprint(timestr, &lcd); } void printPreciseTime() { // displaying time passed after starting timer // or that it was not started yet char timestr[33]; char integer[10]; char fractional[4]; // if timer was started if (startTime > 0) { time = millis()-startTime; sprintf(integer, "%u", time/1000); sprintf(fractional, "%03u", time%1000); sprintf(timestr, "%s.%s", integer, fractional); } // if it was not else #ifdef RUSSIAN sprintf(timestr, "досрочно"); #else sprintf(timestr, "prematur"); #endif lcd.setCursor(8, 1); uprint(timestr, &lcd); } void readButton() { // scan buttons if (buttonPressed > 0) return; if (digitalRead(BUTTON1) == LOW) { buttonPressed = 1; return; } if (digitalRead(BUTTON2) == LOW) { buttonPressed = 2; return; } if (digitalRead(BUTTON3) == LOW) { buttonPressed = 3; return; } if (digitalRead(BUTTON4) == LOW) { buttonPressed = 4; return; } } void pinInit() { // Arduino I/O initialisation, needed on startup only digitalWrite(2, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUTTON1, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUTTON2, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUTTON3, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUTTON4, HIGH); digitalWrite(CONTROL1, HIGH); digitalWrite(CONTROL2, HIGH); digitalWrite(ENCPUSH, HIGH); pinMode(GREENLAMP, OUTPUT); pinMode(REDLAMP, OUTPUT); pinMode(SPEAKER, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(0, readButton, FALLING); } void printGameType() { // displaying game title on LCD lcd.setCursor(0, 0); switch (gameType) { case BRAIN: #ifdef RUSSIAN uprint(" Брейн-ринг ", &lcd); #else uprint(" Brain-ring ", &lcd); #endif break; case SI: #ifdef RUSSIAN uprint(" Своя игра ", &lcd); #else uprint(" Jeopardy ", &lcd); #endif break; case CHGK: #ifdef RUSSIAN uprint("Что? Где? Когда?", &lcd); #else uprint("What?Where?When?", &lcd); #endif break; } } void printPlayer(uint8_t num) { // displaying number of player or team char printstring[65]; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); switch (gameType) { case BRAIN: #ifdef RUSSIAN sprintf(printstring, "Команда %u ", num); #else sprintf(printstring, "Team %u ", num); #endif break; case SI: #ifdef RUSSIAN sprintf(printstring, "Игрок %u ", num); #else sprintf(printstring, "Player %u ", num); #endif break; } uprint(printstring, &lcd); buttonPressed = 0; }