/* make_pcre - PCRE plugin for GNU make. Copyright (C) 2014 Dmitry Mikhirev This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include int plugin_is_GPL_compatible; static const int MAX_CAP = 256; /* maximum number of substrings to capture */ static const int MAX_CAP_LEN = 3; /* number of decimal digits in MAX_CAP */ static const int MAX_MSG_LEN = 1024; /* max length of error/warning/info message */ static char *str_extend(char *old, size_t size) { char *new = realloc(old, size); if (new == NULL) { /* let make allocate memory or die */ new = gmk_alloc(size); if (new == NULL) { /* should never happen */ return NULL; } strncpy(new, old, size); gmk_free(old); } return new; } /* esc_str() - escape string before assigning it to make variable */ static char *esc_str(const char *str) { const char *ps; /* pointer to char in unescaped string */ char *esc; /* escaped string */ char *pe; /* pointer to char in escaped string */ esc = gmk_alloc(strlen(str) * 2 + 1); if (esc == NULL) { /* should never happen */ return NULL; } for (ps = str, pe = esc; *ps != '\0'; ps++, pe++) { switch (*ps) { case '$': /* prepend with '$' */ *pe = '$'; pe++; break; } *pe = *ps; } *pe = '\0'; return esc; } /* vmk_call() - call make function and pass formatted string as its argument */ static int vmk_call(const char *mkfunc, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *mkarg, *emkarg, *mk; /* buffer strings */ mkarg = gmk_alloc(MAX_MSG_LEN + 1); if (mkarg == NULL) { /* should never happen */ return -1; } vsnprintf(mkarg, MAX_MSG_LEN, fmt, ap); mkarg[MAX_MSG_LEN + 1] = '\0'; emkarg = esc_str(mkarg); gmk_free(mkarg); if (emkarg == NULL) { /* should never happen */ return -1; } mk = gmk_alloc(strlen(emkarg) + strlen(mkfunc) + 30); if (mk == NULL) { /* should never happen */ gmk_free(emkarg); return -1; } sprintf(mk, "__pcre_arg=%s\n$(%s $(__pcre_arg))", emkarg, mkfunc); gmk_free(emkarg); gmk_eval(mk, NULL); gmk_free(mk); return 0; } #if 0 /* mk_call() - call make function and pass formatted string as its argument */ static int mk_call(const char *mkfunc, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; /* function arguments */ int res; /* value to return */ va_start(args, fmt); res = vmk_call(mkfunc, fmt, args); va_end(args); return res; } #endif /* mk_error() - pass formatted string to error make function */ static int mk_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; /* function arguments */ int res; /* value to return */ va_start(args, fmt); res = vmk_call("error", fmt, args); va_end(args); return res; } /* mk_warning() - pass formatted string to warning make function */ static int mk_warning(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; /* function arguments */ int res; /* value to return */ va_start(args, fmt); res = vmk_call("warning", fmt, args); va_end(args); return res; } #if 0 /* mk_info() - pass formatted string to info make function */ static int mk_info(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; /* function arguments */ int res; /* value to return */ va_start(args, fmt); res = vmk_call("info", fmt, args); va_end(args); return res; } #endif /* def_var() - define make variable */ static int def_var(const char *name, const char *value) { char *escv; /* escaped value */ char *mkdef; /* variable definition for make */ escv = esc_str(value); if (escv == NULL) { return -1; }; mkdef = gmk_alloc(strlen(name) + strlen(escv) + 16); if (mkdef == NULL) { /* should never happen */ gmk_free(escv); return -1; } sprintf(mkdef, "define %s\n%s\nendef\n", name, escv); gmk_eval(mkdef, NULL); gmk_free(escv); gmk_free(mkdef); return 0; } /* def_nvar() define numbered make variable */ static int def_nvar(int num, const char *value) { char *escv; /* escaped value */ char *mkdef; /* variable definition for make */ escv = esc_str(value); if (escv == NULL) { return -1; }; mkdef = gmk_alloc(MAX_CAP_LEN + strlen(escv) + 16); if (mkdef == NULL) { /* should never happen */ gmk_free(escv); return -1; } sprintf(mkdef, "define %d\n%s\nendef\n", num, escv); gmk_eval(mkdef, NULL); gmk_free(escv); gmk_free(mkdef); return 0; } /* parse_comp_opt - return regexp compilation option according to flag */ static int parse_comp_opt(const char flag, const char *func) { int b; /* PCRE configuration option value */ switch (flag) { case 'A': /* anchored regexp */ return PCRE_ANCHORED; case 'D': /* $ matches at the and of string only */ return PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY; case 'i': /* ignore case */ return PCRE_CASELESS; case 'm': /* multi-line */ return PCRE_MULTILINE; case 's': /* single-line */ return PCRE_DOTALL; case 'u': /* use Unicode properties */ pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES, &b); if (b) { return PCRE_UCP; } else { mk_warning("%s: PCRE library does not support " "Unicode properties, " "`%c' option is ignored", func, flag); } break; case 'U': /* ungreedy quantifiers */ return PCRE_UNGREEDY; case 'x': /* extended regexp */ return PCRE_EXTENDED; case 'X': /* PCRE extras */ return PCRE_EXTRA; case '8': /* UTF-8 */ pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8, &b); if (b) { return PCRE_UTF8; } else { mk_warning("%s: PCRE library does not support " "UTF-8, " "`%c' option is ignored", func, flag); } break; default: /* unknown option */ mk_error("%s: unknown option `%c'", func, flag); break; } return 0; } /* set_vars() - set make variables to captured substrings */ static int set_vars(const char *subj, int *ovec, const int ncap) { int i; /* loop iterator */ const char *cap; /* captured substring */ int caplen; /* length of captured substring */ int retval; /* number of defined variables */ char mk_undef[MAX_CAP_LEN + 11]; /* buffer for undefine command */ for (i = 0; (i < ncap) && (i < MAX_CAP); i++) { caplen = pcre_get_substring(subj, ovec, ncap, i, &cap); if (caplen < 0) { /* unable to get substring */ mk_error("cannot get substring: " "pcre_get_substring() returned %d", caplen); break; } def_nvar(i, cap); pcre_free_substring(cap); } retval = i; for (; i < MAX_CAP; i++) { /* udefine remaining make vars */ sprintf(mk_undef, "undefine %d\n", i); gmk_eval(mk_undef, NULL); } return retval; } /* set_named_vars() - set make variables to substrings captured by name */ static int set_named_vars(const pcre *re, const char *subj, int *ovec, const int ncap) { int ncount; /* name count */ int nentrysize; /* size of name entry */ char *ntable; /* name table */ int i; /* loop iterator */ char *n; /* name pointer */ const char *cap; /* captured substring */ int caplen; /* length of captured substring */ pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &ncount); if (ncount <= 0) { /* no names defined, nothing to do */ return ncount; } pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &nentrysize); pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &ntable); for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) { n = ntable + (i * nentrysize) + 2; caplen = pcre_get_named_substring(re, subj, ovec, ncap, n, &cap); if (caplen < 0) { /* unable to get substring */ mk_error("cannot get substring: " "pcre_get_substring() returned %d", caplen); break; } def_var(n, cap); pcre_free_substring(cap); } return i; } /* match() - function to be attached to make pattern matching function */ static char *match(const char *name, int argc, char **argv) { char *pat = NULL; /* expanded pattern */ char *p; /* iteration pointer */ int global = 0; /* global search? */ int co = 0; /* pattern compilation options */ pcre *re = NULL; /* compiled regexp */ const char *err; /* compilation error */ int erroffset; /* offset in pattern where error occured */ pcre_extra *sd = NULL; /* pattern study data */ char *str = NULL; /* expanded subject string */ int offset = 0; /* subject string offset */ int ncap = 0; /* number of captured substrings */ int ovec[MAX_CAP*3]; /* ovector */ char *retstr = NULL; /* string to be returned */ int retlen = 0; /* length of retstr */ if (argc > 2) { /* options provided, parse them */ for (p = argv[2]; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case 'E': /* expand pattern */ pat = gmk_expand(argv[0]); break; case 'g': /* global search */ global = 1; break; default: /* not match-specific option */ co |= parse_comp_opt(*p, name); break; } } } if (pat == NULL) { /* compile unexpanded pattern */ re = pcre_compile(argv[0], co, &err, &erroffset, NULL); } else { /* compile expanded pattern */ re = pcre_compile(pat, co, &err, &erroffset, NULL); gmk_free(pat); } if (re == NULL) { /* compilation error */ mk_error("%s: %d: %s", name, erroffset, err); goto end_match; } if (global) { /* study compiled pattern */ sd = pcre_study(re, 0, &err); if (err) { mk_warning("%s: %s", name, err); sd = NULL; } } /* expand subject string */ str = gmk_expand(argv[1]); do { /* execute regexp */ ncap = pcre_exec(re, sd, str, strlen(str), offset, 0, ovec, MAX_CAP*3); if ((ncap < 0) && (ncap != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)) { /* error occured */ mk_error("%s: pattern matching error: %d\n", name, ncap); } if (ncap > 0) { /* copy or append matched string to retstr */ int len = ovec[1] - ovec[0]; int newlen = retlen + len; char *s = str_extend(retstr, newlen + 2); if (s == NULL) { goto end_match; } retstr = s; if (retlen > 0) { /* add whitespace */ retstr[retlen] = ' '; retlen++; newlen++; } strncpy(retstr + retlen, str + ovec[0], len); retlen = newlen; retstr[retlen] = '\0'; /* where to start next search */ if (offset == ovec[1]) { //zero-length match if (offset < len) { // continue with one character shift offset++; } else { // stop global search global = 0; } } else { offset = ovec[1]; } /* set named make vars to captured substrings */ set_named_vars(re, str, ovec, ncap); } } while (global && (ncap != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)); end_match: if (re != NULL) { pcre_free(re); } if (sd != NULL) { #if (PCRE_MAJOR < 8) || ((PCRE_MAJOR == 8) && (PCRE_MINOR < 20)) pcre_free(sd); #else pcre_free_study(sd); #endif } /* set make vars to captured substrings */ set_vars(str, ovec, ncap); if (str != NULL) { gmk_free(str); } return retstr; } static char *subst(const char *name, int argc, char **argv) { char *pat = NULL; /* expanded pattern */ char *p; /* iteration pointer */ int global = 0; /* global search? */ int co = 0; /* pattern compilation options */ pcre *re = NULL; /* compiled regexp */ const char *err; /* compilation error */ int erroffset; /* offset in pattern where error occured */ pcre_extra *sd = NULL; /* pattern study data */ char *str = NULL; /* expanded subject string */ char *rep = NULL; /* expanded replacement string */ int subjlen; /* length of subject string */ int replen; /* length of replacement string */ int offset = 0; /* subject string offset */ int ncap = 0; /* number of captured substrings */ int ovec[MAX_CAP*3]; /* ovector */ char *retstr = NULL; /* string to be returned */ int retlen = 0; /* length of retstr */ int newlen; /* length of retstr after appending new part */ char *s; /* temporary string */ if (argc > 3) { /* options provided, parse them */ for (p = argv[3]; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case 'E': /* expand pattern */ pat = gmk_expand(argv[0]); break; case 'g': /* global search */ global = 1; break; default: /* not subst-specific option */ co |= parse_comp_opt(*p, name); break; } } } if (pat == NULL) { /* compile unexpanded pattern */ re = pcre_compile(argv[0], co, &err, &erroffset, NULL); } else { /* compile expanded pattern */ re = pcre_compile(pat, co, &err, &erroffset, NULL); gmk_free(pat); } if (re == NULL) { /* compilation error */ mk_error("%s: %d: %s", name, erroffset, err); goto end_subst; } if (global) { /* study compiled pattern */ sd = pcre_study(re, 0, &err); if (err) { mk_warning("%s: %s", name, err); sd = NULL; } } /* expand subject string */ str = gmk_expand(argv[2]); subjlen = strlen(str); do { /* execute regexp */ ncap = pcre_exec(re, sd, str, subjlen, offset, 0, ovec, MAX_CAP*3); if ((ncap < 0) && (ncap != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)) { /* error occured */ mk_error("%s: pattern matching error: %d\n", name, ncap); goto end_subst; } if (ncap > 0) { /* match found */ /* set make vars to captured substrings */ set_vars(str, ovec, ncap); /* set named make vars to captured substrings */ set_named_vars(re, str, ovec, ncap); /* expand replacement string */ rep = gmk_expand(argv[1]); replen = strlen(rep); newlen = retlen + (ovec[0] - offset) + replen; s = str_extend(retstr, newlen + 1); if (s == NULL) { goto end_subst; } retstr = s; strncpy(retstr + retlen, str + offset, ovec[0] - offset); strncpy(retstr + retlen + ovec[0] - offset, rep, replen + 1); retlen += ovec[0] - offset + replen; /* free expanded replacement string */ gmk_free(rep); rep = NULL; /* where to start next search */ if (offset == ovec[1]) { //zero-length match if (offset < subjlen) { // continue with one character shift s = str_extend(retstr, retlen + 1); if (s == NULL) { goto end_subst; } retstr = s; strncpy(retstr + retlen, str + offset, 1); retlen++; offset++; } else { // stop global search global = 0; } } else { offset = ovec[1]; } } } while (global && (ncap != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)); newlen = retlen + subjlen - offset; s = str_extend(retstr, newlen + 1); if (s == NULL) { goto end_subst; } retstr = s; strncpy(retstr + retlen, str + offset, subjlen - offset + 1); end_subst: if (re != NULL) { pcre_free(re); } if (sd != NULL) { #if (PCRE_MAJOR < 8) || ((PCRE_MAJOR == 8) && (PCRE_MINOR < 20)) pcre_free(sd); #else pcre_free_study(sd); #endif } if (str != NULL) { gmk_free(str); } if (rep != NULL) { gmk_free(rep); } return retstr; } int pcre_gmk_setup() { /* add function for pattern matching */ gmk_add_function("pcre_find", (gmk_func_ptr)match, 2, 3, GMK_FUNC_NOEXPAND); gmk_add_function("m", (gmk_func_ptr)match, 2, 3, GMK_FUNC_NOEXPAND); /* add function for pattern substitution */ gmk_add_function("pcre_subst", (gmk_func_ptr)subst, 3, 4, GMK_FUNC_NOEXPAND); gmk_add_function("s", (gmk_func_ptr)subst, 3, 4, GMK_FUNC_NOEXPAND); return 1; }